Intersecting And Disjoint Relation

Concept Explanation

Intersecting And Disjoint Relation

Logical Venn Diagrams: This section deals with questions which aim at analysing a candidates ability to relate a certain given group of items and illustrate it diagrammatically. Here are a few different types of Venn diagrams with their implications made clear.

Suppose you are given a group of three items. Then

Intersecting And Disjoint Relation. If two items are partially related to each other so are represented by two intersecting circles and the third item is entirely different from the two, so is represented by a disjoint circle. The relation is represented as shown alongside.

Ex. Professor, Author, Children

Clearly, some professors can be authors and vice versa. This would be represented by two intersecting circles. But the class of children would be entirely different from these two. Thus, the venn diagram would be as shown in fig. with Circle A representing Professors, Circle B representing Authors and circle C representing Children.

Illustration: Identify the option which shows the relation between 

Wire, Copper, Paper..








Answer: D

Solution: Some wires are made of copper so this relation is represented by intersecting circles but paper is entirely different so is represented by a disjoint circle

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Choose the option which depicts the correct relationship among the three groups of things:

Professor, Politician, Apple

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Choose the option which depicts the correct relationship among the three groups of things:

Oxygen, Air, School

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Choose the option which depicts the correct relationship among the three groups of things:

Wire, Copper, Paper

Right Option : C
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